Saturday, April 3, 2010


Oh hello crazy bone structure woman. She kind of looks like me but even more strange looking.

I had so much fun painting my Derpa.


k said...

Really impressed with the bottom portrait. Your workshop work is getting soo good. Keep it coming Jenni.

Angeline said...

Ooo the second portrait has a old school feel to it. Very nice choice of greenish background with the warm skin <3

StandardDess said...

like debra!

The_Geeks said...

Ahhhh yeah!!! The bottom one is niceee.

miniPau said...

I really like these portraits!


Ricky Cometa said...

very nice portraits, especially the bottom one.. can't wait to see more!

Manuel Dupong said...

Good job! So talented and so young!

Abel said...

Dude I love that crazy bone structure woman! I'm gonna be your follower now Jenni, cuz I belieeeeve

Jenni Williams said...

Thanks so much guys! I love portraits, so there will be more!